Therapy Process

  1. Free Consultation:
    The clinic offers a 15-minute free consultation for initial enquiries to discuss the client's needs and how we can assist.

  2. Intake and Consent:
    After agreeing on a suitable time and location for sessions, an intake form, cancellation policy, and consent policies will be sent to the client.

  3. Intake Session:
    For all new clients, an intake session will be arranged and it will be charged. This session can be conducted online or via telephone, aiming to understand the client’s background so the therapist can prepare before the first face-to-face session.

  4. Review Sessions:
    Review sessions with clients, parents, or carers will be arranged regularly if necessary to assess progress and adjust therapy as needed.

  5. NDIS Plan and Service Agreement:
    Clients are required to provide a copy of their NDIS plan and goals upon enrolment. A service agreement will be completed after 3-4 sessions.

  6. Cancellation of Ongoing Sessions:
    For canceling all ongoing sessions, a minimum of 4 weeks' notice is advised. This allows the therapist to have a proper closure with the client and provides the clinic sufficient time to adjust the therapist's schedule.